Editorial Cartoonist
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Pulitzer Prize Winner

Jack Ohman was born on September 1, 1960, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Ohman has been the editorial cartoonist and Deputy California Opinion Editor of The Sacramento Bee since 2013. He worked at The Oregonian from 1983-2012, the Detroit Free Press from 1982-1983, and The Columbus Dispatch from 1981-1982. Has been syndicated by Tribune Content Agency for 200 newspapers.

Jack Ohman is the 2016 winner of the Pulitzer Prize and was a finalist in 2012. In addition, he's won the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award, the Overseas Press Club award, the Society of Professional Journalists Award, the National Headliner Award, the Scripps Howard Award, the 2013 finalist for Herblock Award, and Second Place in the 1970 Scotts Seed Company art contest, for which he won a $25 U.S. Savings Bond. He is the author of ten books, and four, inexplicably, are about fly fishing. He is married with six children, and, wow, is he proud of them all. He used to work at newspapers. With ink.

Picture of Jack recieving the Pulitzer Prize.

Featured Work


A look at the final seconds of the Apollo 11 moon landing

Apollo, Moon-landing project conducted by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the 1960s and ’70s. The Apollo program was announced in May 1961, but the choice among competing techniques for achieving a Moon landing and return was not resolved until considerable further study. In the method ultimately employed, a powerful launch vehicle (Saturn V rocket) placed a 50-ton spacecraft in a lunar trajectory. Several Saturn launch vehicles and accompanying spacecraft were built. The Apollo spacecraft were supplied with rocket power of their own, which allowed them to brake on approach to the Moon and go into a lunar orbit. They also were able to release a component of the spacecraft, the Lunar Module (LM), carrying its own rocket power, to land two astronauts on the Moon and bring them back to the lunar orbiting Apollo craft.

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Ohman, president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, also told us he’s working on a graphic memoir about the moon landing for the literary agency Writer’s House that they’ll pitch this fall. “I’m coming in for landing on it,” Ohman said of the book.

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Interviewer & Interviewee
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From the Newspaper to Commissions
Navigating the cartoonist lifestyle.